Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt With New Coil?

If you’re an avid vaper, you know the frustration of having a vape that tastes burnt — especially when you’ve just installed a new coil. That burnt taste is not only unpleasant, but it can also be dangerous, as it can signal the presence of contaminants in your device. In this article, we’ll look at why your vape tastes burnt with a new coil and how to prevent it in the future.

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt With New Coil?

Vaping can be an enjoyable and flavorful experience, as long as you’re using the right setup and technique. Unfortunately, one common issue many vapers run into is a burnt-tasting vape when they install a new coil. This can be incredibly off-putting, and it’s important to understand why it happens so you can avoid it in the future.

Over-Priming the Coil

One of the most common causes of a burnt-tasting vape with a new coil is over-priming the coil. This means that too much e-liquid has been added to the coil before vaping, which can lead to a burnt taste. To avoid this, you should always make sure to add just enough e-liquid to the wick to ensure it’s saturated before vaping.

Chain Vaping

Another potential cause of a burnt-tasting vape with a new coil is chain vaping. This is when you take multiple puffs in quick succession, which can lead to the coil burning out and producing a burnt taste. To avoid this, you should always take short breaks between puffs and give the coil time to cool down.

Too Much Wattage

Using too high of a wattage can also lead to a burnt-tasting vape with a new coil. This is because too much heat can be produced, which can cause the coil to burn out quickly. To avoid this, you should always make sure to use the wattage recommended by the manufacturer for your coil.

Not Changing the Coil Often Enough

Finally, not changing the coil often enough can be another cause of a burnt-tasting vape with a new coil. This is because the coil can become gunked up with residue over time, which can cause it to burn out quickly. To avoid this, you should make sure to change your coil every 1-2 weeks, depending on your usage.

Few Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Vape Coil?

A vape coil is a heating element that is part of an electronic cigarette or vaporizer. It is typically made of a metal alloy such as kanthal or stainless steel wire that is wrapped around a wick material. The coil is responsible for heating the e-liquid and producing the vapor that the user inhales and exhales.

What Causes My Vape to Taste Burnt?

The most common cause of a burnt-tasting vape is that the coil has been used too long and is no longer producing vapor. This is usually caused by not replacing the coil often enough, as the metal alloy in the coil will eventually burn out. Another common reason is that the wattage or temperature is set too high, causing the coil to burn the e-liquid rather than vaporizing it.

How Do I Avoid Burnt-Tasting Vapes?

The easiest way to avoid burnt-tasting vapes is to replace your coil regularly. Most coils should be replaced after about two weeks of use. Additionally, it’s important to set the wattage or temperature to the recommended level for your device and e-liquid. This will ensure that the coil is able to vaporize the e-liquid without burning it.

What Are the Signs That a Coil Needs to Be Replaced?

The most obvious sign that a coil needs to be replaced is a burnt-tasting vape. Other signs include a decrease in vapor production, a gurgling sound coming from the device, and visible damage to the coil such as discoloration or charring.

Why Does My Vape Taste Burnt with a New Coil?

There can be several reasons why a new coil may taste burnt. One of the most common reasons is that the wattage or temperature is set too high, causing the coil to burn the e-liquid rather than vaporize it. It’s also possible that the coil was damaged during installation or that it has a manufacturing defect.

What Can I Do to Fix a Burnt-Tasting Vape?

The first step is to make sure the wattage or temperature is set to the correct level. If the problem persists, try a new coil or check the device for any visible damage or manufacturing defects. If the problem still persists, it’s recommended to take the device to a professional for inspection and repair.

The issue of burnt-tasting vape can be a distressing experience for any vaper. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to be aware of the possible causes, the steps you can take to prevent it, and the solutions to try if you’re already experiencing it. With an understanding of the possible causes, and the steps you can take to reduce the risk of a burnt-tasting vape, you can enjoy your vaping experience to the fullest.

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